Saturday, May 1, 2010

Promoting Geekdom

I did my part today to promote Geekdom and all things nerdy. As it turns out, the first Saturday in May is Free Comic Book Day and, of course, what kind of mom would I be if I didn't take my seven-year-old son to Austin Books and Comics at 8 a.m. in the morning so we could get our 10 free comic books?

A crummy mom, that's what I'd be. And I'm all about being a great mom. So....the two of us headed down Lamar bright and early to stand in line with my kind of people (i.e. smart guys with quirky senses of humor who tend to get very passionate about odd issues) and other parents of small children who also wanted to expose their kiddos to great culture. (A shout out to the other Jennifer and her little man who found us in line!)

We weren't alone as we waited in the long line for our swag. The Hulk made an appearance...

My youngest was beyond thrilled by his free new comic books (especially the G.I. Joe book). Between the ride in the car, the reading during breakfast at Galaxy Cafe, and the 30 minutes on the couch once he returned home - I bet he spent at least an hour reading comic books today. Way to go comic culture, for getting my first grader excited about reading for an hour on a Saturday morning!

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