Saturday, October 3, 2009

Best Pizza Ever

Shianne, our segway tour guide from last night, recommended North Beach Pizza as the best pizza in San Francisco - so we gave it a try today. Boy, did she know what she's talking about - it's the best stuff I've ever eaten in my life.

This is a cool town. What's really amazing (my husband noticed it the first day) is that you don't see overweight people here. Shianne was telling us that San Francisco is the most "fit" metropolitan area in the country - because so many people walk or ride bikes here.

...and walking in SF is no stroll in the park. Man. Those hills will really get you! We ended up walking at least 7 miles yesterday (my husband google-mapped it after the fact) and, sadly, my left foot did not react well to that effort. At some point during those hours of walking very fast (I take about a step and a half for every one of his steps) I realized my foot was hurting. REALLY horribly. I'm a bit hard headed - so I haven't wanted to stop the touring, but I sort of don't have a choice anymore.

Unless a miraculous cure happens in the next 36 hours, I think I"ll be going to the doctor on Monday morning. It's a bit, if I could only figure out what the heck I did to myself! In the meantime, however, I'll find some California wine and Ghiradelli chocolate to ease the pain.

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