I'm reclining in bed in my super cozy pink socks (which Santa left for me in my stocking) and my warm pink PJs, feeling a bit free and easy because I've given up my Lost obsession. Back in October, when we visited family in Maine, we heard how awesome Lost was and that we had to give it a shot. Well, we Netflixed it and sure enough - it was SUCH a good show. The acting was great and the story line just drew us in...but therein lay the problem.
You see, not only would we stay up late every night watching Lost, but that storyline played with my psyche in a VERY unpleasant manner. I've never slept well, and regularly have bad dreams. But this show just completely screwed with my head. I finally 'fessed up and told my husband that after we finished Season 2, I couldn't take any more late night psychological torture and proposed we just find a good spoiler site to see what the heck was going on in that show. Luckily for me, he agreed - he liked the show but was tired of our evening hours being consumed by Hurley, Kate, Sawyer, Sun, and Jack.
We finished Season 2 last night then I stayed up until 1:30 in the morning to finish Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (for just the third time...it's finally starting to make sense to me now although I seemed to notice some sloppy grammar this time around that I didn't notice before). So....here I sit...no TV show with which to become obsessive-compulsive, no book to read...just my pink socks and my blog. And I believe that is exactly what I need at this point in time.
You can actually skip Season 3 entirely, read the recap (I recommend Television Without Pity b/c it's snarky good!), and save yourselves alot of time. Season 3 sucked.
Television without pity!! I needed a good reference - thanks! Yes - I heard that season sucked b/c the writers had no idea what their arc was supposed to be, then there was the strike...
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