Monday, December 8, 2008

Silver Bells

City sidewalks, busy sidewalks (well - not so busy in this picture), dressed in holiday style.

As a child, I simply adored the song "Silver Bells." And my favorite religious Christmas carol was "Go Tell It On the Mountain" - I was in heaven this past Sunday because we sang a very rousing version of it during church. I was swaying, dancing and clapping to my favorite hymn. And yet, after I leave church I somehow fail to hold the spirit of Christmas as close as I should.

We were at the Hill Country Galleria this evening for dinner with my in-laws and I can't even begin to imagine how much time it took to get lights on every single little branch of every tree. It was very beautiful although I must say that the stores seemed unusually deserted for the middle of December. The economy belies the glitz and glamour, don't you think? (sigh)

The truth of the economy reminds me that I've let myself get carried away with consumerism yet again. I suppose it will be a struggle for me during my whole life. Why is it that I let myself get all excited about shoes and dresses and fancy shopping bags when really - everything that matters is walking down the sidewalk right in front of me?

1 comment:

Renee said...

Too funny! Tyler and I have been singing "oh, the weather outside is frightful" for 2 days now. We got 5" of snow last night and the high is 8*. 8*!!!!!!!!